Mutt to Google Calendar Script

I did a bit of work on integrating mutt and ics invites with google calendar using a python script found here at The google calendar apis are really easy to use and the gdata python library is excellent.

The original script auto-accepted the invite and uploaded it to google calendar when viewed in mutt.

I added some additional functionality to the script:

The script will print out the invite inline (if the mailcap is set to do so). When the attachment is actually viewed, it will perform additional checks to see if the event already exists in your calendar, if there are conflicts, and then prompts you as to whether you want to accept, reject, update, etc.

If the event is accepted, the id, status, and google id are saved to a local database.

Here’s the code:

# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
""" (c) 2008, 2010 Matthew Ernisse <>
2013 updates by Alex Rodriguez

Cobbled together with help from gdata API documentation:

To Use:
Add the following to your .mailcap and then you can simply exec the attachment
and it will get added to your google calendar.  If the event has a reminder set
it will set a reminder using your default method for 30 minutes prior to the
event. You can also override the default reminder with -r <mins> and -R.

text/calendar; ~/.mutt/ -f %s; needsterminal
text/calendar; ~/.mutt/ -f %s -o; copiousoutput

You may now use a configuration file to setup your username, password and
calendar. NOTE this is not actually any more secure than using the command line
in your .mailcap configuration file assuming sane permissions.

In ~/.gcal/ics-gcal.conf you may specify the following tokens:
email    = <gcal user>
password = <gcal password>
calendar = "calendar name"

If the command line has these options specified they will OVERRIDE the 
config file.  None are required as long as between the config file and
the command like all required options are set.

Calendar name can be found on the calendar details page, or based
on your calendar's xml/ical links.  

If your XML link is:
then your calendar name is

  gdata python bindings
  atom python module
  vobject python module
  Google Calendar account

  You to create the directory ~/.gcal even if you don't use the
  configuration file as the local data store is saved there.

You will probably want to set PYTHONIOENCODING to something (utf_8). This will
make sure the print statements work properly when people insert weird shit 
in their descriptions.

When you view an email with an ics invite in mutt, the invite will be parsed and
displayed. You can then view the attachment to process it. The script will check
a local store to see if this invite was already processed, will check your
google calendar for conflicts, and then will prompt you for what to do.

import getopt
import time
import datetime
import sys
import os
import vobject
import pytz
import re
import shelve
import codecs

from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from gdata.calendar.service import *
from import (CalendarEventEntry, When, CalendarWhere,
    IcalUIDProperty, SyncEventProperty)
from import Reminder, Recurrence
from gdata.calendar import client
from pytz import timezone

def replaceErrors(exc):
  print exc
  return codecs.replace_errors(exc)

codecs.register_error('strict', replaceErrors)

def Usage():
  """Print usage statement

      Usage: %s [-hRo] [-c calendar] [-f file] [-p password] [-r minutes] [-u username] 
  Take a vcalendar stream from a file and insert to it into a Google 

  -c <calendar> - Which calendar to upload to, default = 'default'
  -f <file>     - ics file for input
  -h            - Show Usage and exit.
  -p <password> - Google Calendar password
  -r <minutes>  - Number of minutes for reminder length, default = 30
  -R            - Force adding a reminder even if the ics does not have
                        an alarm set.
  -u <username> - Google Calendar username
  -o            - Just print the calendar information

  """) % (sys.argv[0])

  return None

def printCalendar(ics, event=None):
  tz = timezone(os.environ['TZ'])
  start = getTime(ics.vevent.dtstart.value).astimezone(tz)
  end = getTime(ics.vevent.dtend.value).astimezone(tz)
  description = getAttribute(ics, "description");
  if getattr(ics.vevent, "organizer", None):
    if getattr(ics.vevent.organizer, "CN_param", None):
      organizer = "%s (%s)" % ( ics.vevent.organizer.CN_param, 
          ics.vevent.organizer.value )
      organizer = ics.vevent.organizer.value
    organizer = ""
  location = getAttribute(ics, "location")
  summary = getAttribute(ics, "summary")

  # Only show current status if the event actually exists
  currentstatus = None
  if event:
    d = getLocalEvent(ics)
    if d: 
      currentstatus = d["status"]

  print('Calendar Event')
  #print('Summary:     %s' % summary.encode('utf-8', 'backslashreplace'))
  print('Summary:     %s' % summary)
  print('Organizer:   %s' % organizer)
  print('Start time:  %s' % start.strftime('%a, %b %d, %Y %I:%M %p (UTC%z)'))
  print('End time:    %s' % end.strftime('%a, %b %d, %Y %I:%M %p (UTC%z)'))
  print('Location:    %s' % location)
  #print('Description:n%s' % description.encode('utf-8', 'backslashreplace'))
  print('Description:n%s' % description)
  if event and currentstatus:
    print('This event was already processed. The status is %s. Event details:' % currentstatus)
    print('  Summary:     %s' % event.title.text)
    print('  Start time:  %s' % formatGoogleDate(event.when[0].start))
    print('  End time:    %s' % formatGoogleDate(event.when[0].end))

def promptReply(ics, event):
  reply = "cancel"
  printCalendar(ics, event)
  if event:
    res = raw_input("Update existing event (y|N)? ")
    if re.match('y', res, re.I):
      print("Event will be updated.")
      reply = "update"
    res = raw_input("(A)ccept, (R)eject, or (C)ancel this event? ")
    if re.match('a', res, re.I):
      print("Event accepted.")
      reply = "accepted"
    elif re.match('r', res, re.I):
      print("Event rejected.")
      reply = "rejected"
      print("Event ignored.")

  return reply

def getAttribute(ics, attr, default=""):
  if getattr(ics.vevent, attr, None):
    return getattr(ics.vevent, attr).value
    return default 

def getTime(dt):
  if type(' ') == type(dt):
    return time.strptime(dt, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S")
    return dt

def checkConflictingEvent(client, uri, startTime, endTime, existingid=None):
  cont = True
  start = startTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z")
  end = endTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z")
  query = gdata.calendar.client.CalendarEventQuery()
  # Expand the bounds a bit to find collisions
  td = timedelta(minutes=1)
  query.start_min = (startTime - td).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z")
  query.start_max = (endTime + td).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z")

  feed = client.GetCalendarEventFeed(q=query, uri=uri)
  tempfeed = ()
  if feed and len(feed.entry) > 0:
    for i, event in enumerate(feed.entry):
      if existingid !=
  if len(tempfeed) > 0:
    print("The following conflicting events were found:")
    for event in enumerate(tempfeed):
      eventstart = formatGoogleDate(event.when[0].start) 
      eventend = formatGoogleDate(event.when[0].end) 
      print("%s from %s to %s" % (event.title.text, eventstart, eventend))

    res = raw_input("Continue (y|N)? ")
    if not re.match('y', res, re.I):
      cont = False
  return cont

def checkExistingEvent(client, ics):
  uri = None
  currentstatus = None
  d = getLocalEvent(ics)
  if d: 
    currentstatus = d["status"]
    uri = d["uri"]
    if uri:
      return client.GetEventEntry(uri=uri)

  return None

def formatGoogleDate(date):
  tz = date[-6:]
  return datetime.strptime(date[0:-6], 
      "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000").strftime('%a, %b %d, %Y %I:%M %p (UTC' + tz + ')')

def uploadToGoogle(ics, email, password, calendar="default", reminder=30, 
  """ Upload to your Google Calendar.

    ics - vobject vevent object.
    email - string, your gcal account name
    password - string, your gcal password
    calendar - string, which calendar to upload to.
    reminder - integer, number of minutes to set
         reminder for.  Default 30
    forceReminder - boolean, If true, always set a

    True on success, None on failure
  event = None
  # Create calendar client
  client = gdata.calendar.client.CalendarClient(source="alexbr")
    client.ClientLogin(email, password, client.source)
  except Exception as e:
    print("Cannot login to Google Calendar: %s"  % (str(e)))
    return None
  # Check for existing event
  event = checkExistingEvent(client, ics)

  # Prompt for what to do
  update = False
  res = promptReply(ics, event)
  if res == "rejected" or res == "cancel":
    return None
  elif event and res == "update":
    update = True
  if not event:
    event = CalendarEventEntry()

  startTime = getTime(ics.vevent.dtstart.value)
  start = startTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z")
  endTime = getTime(ics.vevent.dtend.value)
  end = endTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z")

  event.title =
  description = getAttribute(ics, "description")
  event.content =
  location = getAttribute(ics, "location")
  uid = getAttribute(ics, "uid")

  if getattr(ics.vevent, "rrule", None):
      event.recurrence = Recurrence(text=("%srn%srn%srn") % (
        "DTSTART:%s" % (
        "DTEND:%s" % (
        "RRULE:%s" % (
    except Exception as e:
      print("Could not add Recurrence to event, %s" % (str(e)))
      return None
    if update:
      event.when[0] = When(start=start, end=end)
      event.when.append(When(start=start, end=end))

  # set a reminder if forced or it's set in the calendar
  if forceReminder:
    for when in event.when:
  elif 'valarm' in ics.vevent.contents:
    for when in event.when:
      if len(when.reminder) > 0:
        when.reminder[0].minutes = str(reminder)
  newevent = None
  uri = '' % calendar

  # Check conflicts
  if update:
    cont = checkConflictingEvent(client, uri, startTime, endTime,
    cont = checkConflictingEvent(client, uri, startTime, endTime)
  if not cont:
    print("Calendar will not be updated.")
    return None

  if not update:
    print("Uploading event to google...")
      newevent = client.InsertEvent(event, uri)
    except Exception as e:
      print("Cannot upload event to Google Calendar: %s"  % (str(e)))
      return None
      newevent = client.Update(event)
    except Exception as e:
      print("Cannot update event in Google Calendar: %s"  % (str(e)))
      return None
  if newevent and uid:
    saveLocalEvent(ics, newevent, "accepted")

  print('New event inserted/updated: %s' % (,))
  print('tEvent edit URL: %s' % (newevent.GetEditLink().href,))
  print('tEvent HTML URL: %s' % (newevent.GetHtmlLink().href,))

  return True

def saveLocalEvent(ics, event, status):
  uid = getAttribute(ics, "uid")
  if not uid:
    return None
  uid = str(uid)
  d ='~/.gcal/events.db'))
  if not d.has_key(uid):
    d[uid] = {}
  uiddict = d[uid]
  uiddict["uri"] = event.GetEditLink().href
  uiddict["id"] =
  uiddict["status"] = status
  d[uid] = uiddict

def getLocalEvent(ics):
  uid = getAttribute(ics, "uid")
  if not uid:
    return None
  uid = str(uid)
    d ='~/.gcal/events.db'))
    if d.has_key(uid):
      return d[uid]
    return None
  except Exception as e:
    print("Could not get event data %s" % str(e))
    if d:

def Main(argv = None):
  if not argv:
    argv = sys.argv[1:]

  if not len(argv) >= 1:
    return 2

    optlist, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hRou:p:f:c:r:")
  except getopt.GetoptError as e:
    return 2

  calendar = "default"
  email = None
  fd = None
  force = None
  password = None
  reminder = 30
  printonly = False

    fd = open(os.path.expanduser('~/.gcal/ics-gcal.conf'))
    for line in fd.readlines():
        token, value = line.split(r'=', 2)
      except ValueError:

      token = token.strip().lower()
      value = value.strip()

      if token == 'email':
        email = value  
      elif token == 'password':
        password = value
      elif token == 'calendar':
        calendar = value

    fd = None

  except (OSError, IOError):

  for o,v in optlist:
    if o == "-c":
      calendar = v

    elif o == "-f":
        fd = open(v)
      except IOError as e:
        return 1
    elif o == "-h":
      return 0

    elif o == "-p":
      password = v

    elif o == "-r":
      reminder = int(v)

    elif o == "-R":
      force = True

    elif o == "-u":
      email = v

    elif o == "-o":
      printonly = True

  if printonly and not fd:
    print("You did not specify the required arguments (file)")
    return 2

  if not printonly and not fd or not email or not password:
    print("You did not specify the required arguments (username, password, and file)")
    return 2

    ics = vobject.readOne(fd)
  except Exception as e:
    print("Cannot parse vcal input file: %s"  % ( str(e) ))
    return 1

  if printonly:
    return 0
  elif not uploadToGoogle(ics, email, password, calendar, reminder, force):
    return 1

  return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":

This was cobbled together with help from gdata API documentation found

This script requires:
gdata python bindings
atom python module
vobject python module
Google Calendar account

To setup:
Add the following to your .mailcap and then you can simply exec the attachment
and it will get added to your google calendar.

text/calendar; ~/.mutt/ -f %s; needsterminal
text/calendar; ~/.mutt/ -f %s -o; copiousoutput

Create the directory ~/.gcal because the local data store used by the script is saved there.

You may now use a configuration file to setup your username, password and calendar. NOTE this is not actually any more secure than using the command line in your .mailcap configuration file assuming sane permissions.

In ~/.gcal/ics-gcal.conf you may specify the following tokens:

email =
password =
calendar = "calendar name"

If the command line has these options specified they will OVERRIDE the config file. None are required as long as between the config file and the command line all required options are set.

Calendar name can be found on the calendar details page, or based
on your calendar’s xml/ical links.

If your XML link is:
then your calendar name is

You will probably want/need to set PYTHONIOENCODING to something, like utf_8. This will make sure the print statements work properly when people insert weird shit
in their descriptions. This seems to be the only env variable python uses when sending output to a pipe, which this script does when used with mutt

To use:

When you view an email with an ics invite in mutt, the invite will be parsed and displayed. You can then view the attachment to process it. The script will check a local store to see if this invite was already processed, will check your google calendar for conflicts, and then will prompt you for what to do.

If the event has a reminder set it will set a reminder using your default method for 30 minutes prior to the event. You can also override the default reminder with -r and -R.


    1. The script itself doesn’t, but I believe google calendar does (which actually annoys me quite a bit because there’s no way to disable that…)

  1. I found a few missing steps for setup if you want to use the script only to show text/calendar entries.

    1) If you get the error below, it probably means your copy of the python script does not have the correct indentation because you cut-and-pasted it from the text above. Click “Expand” tool and re-copy it.
    $ export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf=8
    $ ~/.mutt/ -h
    File “/home/test/.mutt/”, line 33
    “””Print usage statement
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

    2) missing module “python-tz”
    $ ~/.mutt/ -h
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “/home/test/.mutt/”, line 64, in
    import pytz
    ImportError: No module named pytz

    $ apt-get install python-tz

    3) Minimum set of command-line arguments

    $ ~/.mutt/ -o -f ./test.vcal
    You did not specify the required arguments (username, password, and file)

    Usage: /home/test/.mutt/ [-hRo] [-c calendar] [-f file] [-p password] [-r minutes] [-u username]
    Take a vcalendar stream from a file and insert to it into a Google

    -c – Which calendar to upload to, default = ‘default’
    -f – ics file for input
    -h – Show Usage and exit.
    -p – Google Calendar password
    -r – Number of minutes for reminder length, default = 30
    -R – Force adding a reminder even if the ics does not have
    an alarm set.
    -u – Google Calendar username
    -o – Just print the calendar information

    You must specify a null username and null password:

    $ ~/.mutt/ -o -f ./test.vcal -u null -p null

    4) Missing timezone

    $ ~/.mutt/ -o -f ./test.vcal -u null -p null
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “/home/test/.mutt/”, line 499, in
    File “/home/test/.mutt/”, line 491, in Main
    File “/home/test/.mutt/”, line 115, in printCalendar
    tz = timezone(os.environ[‘TZ’])
    File “/usr/lib/python2.7/”, line 23, in __getitem__
    raise KeyError(key)
    KeyError: ‘TZ’

    You must specify your timezone using the TZ environment variable, e.g.

    $ export TZ=GMT+10
    for GMT+10 hours

    5) Working!

    $ ~/.mutt/ -o -f ./test.vcal -u null -p null
    Calendar Event
    Summary: text here
    Organizer: text here
    Start time: 00:00
    End time: 01:00
    Location: text here
    Description: text here

    6) From standard input?

    $ cat file.vcal | ~/.mutt/ -o -f /dev/stdin -u null -p null

    Calendar Event
    Summary: text here
    Organizer: text here
    Start time: 00:00
    End time: 01:00
    Location: text here
    Description: text here

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